Can you match the Shippensburg Pizza Place to the Pizza Photo?

Shippensburg has ten pizza places! Can you identify which pizza is from which Shippensburg Pizza Place? The following Pizza Places (in alphabetical order) are in the zip code 17257: Alfredo’s Pizza, Big Richards, Brother’s Pizza, Domino’s Pizza, Papa John’s Pizza, Pizza House, Pizza Hut, Pizza Man, Pizza N’ Stuff, and Red Rooster Pizzaria.

Submit an email to with the subject Pizza and your ten matches by July 1, 2021. A winner will be drawn from the correct matches and will receive $25 to their favorite Shippensburg Pizza Place.

The winner was randomly chosen – Angi chose a gift card for Alfredos!

The following ten cheese pizzas were purchased and photographed by Ship Saves from February – May 2021.  Can identify which restaurant these pizzas are from based on the photo?

1.  Pizza House

2.  Pizza Hut

3.  Alfredo’s Pizza

4. Pizza N’ Stuff

5.  Brothers

6.  Dominos

7.  Red Rooster Pizzaria

8.  Big Richards

9.  Papa Johns

10.  Pizza Man

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